Make today the day. 

During this whole journey of self-love I have gotten messages from strangers, friends, and even family, asking how I became confident. And the truth is, it didn’t just happen. It’s a daily fight and I’ve don’t a lot of self care. Some of you know that I see a therapist and a nutritionist to help keep me on the right track and stay vocal about my emotions. This of course, is not required for one to get where I’ve gotten, but it’s definitely a huge help for me. Just talking about our insecurities is a huge step. My blogging/Instagram is also a huge part in my recovery as well. Helping others has really pushed me to stay positive, because how can I help you if I can’t take my own advice. 
There are days where I feel like a million bucks and am so proud of my progress, and then there are days where I feel like I’ve taken 100 steps back…but no matter how bad the day is, I’m still talking through it, which means I’m moving forward. 
On the days I am feeling like I’ve made no progress and want to revert back to my old ways I’ve learned to do a lot of self care. I also tell myself that this is not a permanent feeling. I often read my own blog, journal, workout, talk to friends and family, and do something relaxing like a bubble bath. 
My therapist said something my last visit that really resonated with me. She said, “we don’t have control of those first thoughts that pop into our head, but we have control of the after thoughts.” When I used to have the thoughts like, “Julia you look so chubby” I would continue those negative thoughts and wallow in those bad feelings. Instead of validating that first thought I now disagree and change my thoughts to positive ones. Of course it’s easier said than done and sometimes seems silly…but if you’re not going to think positive things about yourself how is anyone else going to? You need to be your biggest fan…and that does not make you conceited or cocky. You’re supposed to love yourself and somewhere in our lives something shifted that made you think otherwise. 
Some bully, some boyfriend, the thousands of media messages shoved in our faces, have made us think we are mr good enough and need to change…but let me tell you… You are perfect the way you are. Feed your body, workout, get fresh air, feed your mind, and your body will take care of itself. 
So I want you to challenge yourself… The next time you have a negative thought about yourself…acknowledge it, then disagree with it and turn it to a positive one. 🙂 if your friend said, “I’m fat,” you would never say, “yea oh are,” (unless you suck)…so why do that to yourself? Be a friend…be your biggest fan!!! 
Today is the day you can make the change and decide to love yourself. It’s not going to be easy…but it’s so fucking worth it. (Excuse my language.) 
I love you all and thank you for your endless support. You all help me in my journey of recovery and I can’t thank you enough for joining me!
Have a beautiful day! 
~Xoxo, Jules 
Head over to my Instagram: fitfatandallthat for daily motivation and inspiration 🙂 


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