So… I have some BIG news… And by big I mean… REALLY BIG.

You ready for it?

Ok…soooo, I’m going to cut my hair.

Can you believe it?!

Ok, I’m seriously just kidding, that’s not the big news…

This is…


Yep…I am packing up my 150 pairs of shoes (I seriously might have that many), my clothes and whatever else I can stuff in my car and driving 36 hours to Cali! And I’m doing it in like 2 weeks. Ahhhhhhh… I’m terrified…and excited…and scared…and nervous…and every other emotion.

I have always wanted to move and I figured WHY NOT NOW? Why not do something that scares me? I have one life to live and I want to challenge myself and push myself put of comfort zone. I want to try new things, meet new people, and explore new places!

As much as I will miss my friends and my family, I know I will always be able to come home. My sissy lives out there and I can’t wait to start a new chapter with her! I will be nannying for a wonderful family in Santa Monica and I could not be more excited!!!! 🙂

I can’t wait to see where this takes me and see what I can do with Beachbody and be around active people… Oh and the beach… Forgot about that little detail.

I will be super busy the next couple of weeks but will try my best to keep everyone updated with my travels and move.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Traveling and trying new things helps you find who you are and who you want to be. I know there may be times where I question why I ever made the move and feel lonely, but I don’t want to feel regret. I don’t want to look back and always wish I would’ve moved and experienced something new. I can’t wait to see where this life takes me.

And you know all those things you’ve wanted to do in your life?


Have a wonderful day beauties!

~xoxo, Julia



I ain’t got time for that!

Real talk… Why are people so damn rude? Like dang… I look at some peoples comments on fb and Insta to other people and even on my stuff and geez…like who pissed you off?!

I just don’t get it… I see it on celebrity pictures, fitness people, some of my friends pages, my pictures… And it really pisses me off. If you don’t like my pictures or my posts, unfollow me, unfriend me!!! I just can’t stand all this negativity people put out, especially people who are being vulnerable to opening up about their lives and their journeys and just want to inspire others.

I have been so open about my journey and I understand that everybody isn’t going to understand it or support me, but I don’t need alllll that negativity energy and shiiiiiz… Sooo be gone. Buh bye!

It takes a lot of courage for people to open up about their struggles… Maybe you haven’t experienced it but that doesn’t give you the right to make fun or just be a straight up ass.

I know so many of you are afraid of others judging you and I don’t blame you… People can be straight up A-HOLES… But you know what!? You’re better than that, you are trying to live a positive life and you ain’t got room for that negative energy 😉 am I right!?

Yes, I post selfies, progress pictures, and workout videos… Am I simply doing it for the amount of likes and comments? No! Am I doing it to make myself feel better about myself? No!

I am doing it because I want others to feel good about themselves. To know that we all start somewhere, we all struggle, we all have our ups and downs, and some days we just feel pretty and want to show it with a dang selfie! Goooood lawd.

So go ahead, think I’m some narcissistic chick who posts selfies…. But I ain’t got time for that negative energy to keep it to yourself and if ya can’t…. See ya later.

Rant over.

Happy Hump Day, pretty people!

~xoxo, Julia

Oh here’s another selfie and butt pic for ya Negative Nancy’s!



Do What You Love


Awkward video blog today!

Excuse my excessive use of “ums,” me trying to get blackberry seeds out of my teeth, and awkward pauses and body movements.

I just got back from a run and wanted to share with you all this crazy idea I had.

Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful Saturday!

~xoxo, Julia